The Ultimate Chai Blog

chai for a Cincinnati coffee and tea festival 2023

Dear Friends and Family, 

We’ve had two exciting years to begin Chai For. If 2022 was a year of organizational self-discovery (and it was), then 2023 was a year of solidifying our chai products, who we are, what we stand for, and how we go about becoming the best, most flavorful chai in America.

We did this by listening to you - learning what you love about us and doubling down on what we’re good at.

As many know, Chai For was born in Asheville, North Carolina. Asheville is highly noted for its culture of localism; of knowing a producer and of knowing the products you keep in your home. These roots taught us a core term in our company: real. We use real ingredients that are 100% all-natural. We treat our customers like real people. We want our chai to be a synonymous for quality, real ingredients.

Too often, “real” connotates "bad flavor." With out chai, nothing could be further from the truth. I started Chai For because chai out there was so boring and "blah." We operate as an unequivocal fact that the more real the chai ingredients are - the more robust and dynamic the flavor.

I admittedly like the bold and brash - I like a strong flavor that hits our customers in the face and causes that “wow” double-take at first sip. I wish I could say what we are doing is magic or that I have a secret recipe. If we had a secret to our chai, it's this: we commit to great ingredients - sourced from a curated set of farmers ethically growing our ingredients in India - and then we leave out all that crap that's in your coffee shop chai - and exactly blend every batch to ensure a consistently great cup of chai.

I believe in Chai For so much that when the unique opportunity to scale chai for a national audience became available, I dove headfirst and moved the company (and myself) to Cincinnati, OH. Here, we’ve vaulted onto the scene; we were a featured speaker at Cincinnati Coffee and Tea Festival, a popular vendor at one of America’s premier outdoor markets, Findlay Market, and forged all new collaborations and partnerships designed to launch us into 2024.

Plus, thanks to our allies here in Cincinnati, we’ve:

chai for packaging on kitchen counter

We have said we’re out to shake up the chai industry and we absolutely mean it.

In 2024, you’ll see us take our next steps - including several new products, including dirty chai among other product and organizational changes that bring you closer to great chai. 2024 will be the year of making this chai the chai that is all about you. You won’t see, necessarily, the things we’re doing behind the scenes like growing our team of bright, diverse individuals, deepening our relationships with our farmers, and expanding our impact on the chai industry.

Feel free to tell us what you’d love to see from Chai For in 2024 here.

In eternal appreciation of your support, thank you. It’s so good to make CHAI FOR you.

Happy sipping,

Colin Wiseman

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