The Ultimate Chai Blog


Dispelling misconceptions is often the first step in a journey toward understanding, and when it comes to chai, one prevalent misconception stands out – the belief that chai is an intensely caffeinated beverage. In reality, the only caffeinated element in chai is the tea itself, typically in the form of simple black tea. 

Beverage Type Caffeine Level
2 Mg or Less
34 Mg
30 Mg
40 Mg
65 Mg
Black Coffee
90 Mg
95 Mg
1/2 of a Starbucks Dark Roast
130 Mg (260 Mg For full 16 Oz.)
Energy Drink
130 Mg

In truth, chai is an obvious alternative for those seeking to reduce their overall caffeine alternative - especially against big chain brands of coffee.

Traditional chai-making cultures, such as those in India, often rely on CTC-style black tea blends, specifically Assam black tea.

However, in the United States, where decaffeinated drinks enjoy widespread popularity, we recognized the need to offer a decaffeinated chai that seamlessly merged traditional chai-making techniques with the authentic flavors of chai. We wanted to deliver decaffeinated options without compromising on the joy of sipping a cup of chai. Even for those who opt for the caffeinated version, our chai stands as a lower-caffeine alternative, boasting only a third of the caffeine found in coffee. The caffeine-free version takes this commitment a step further, catering to those seeking an even more reduced caffeine intake.


✔️ Enjoy chai anytime of day (or night!)
✔️ At Chai For, the tea leaves are treated through the all-natural CO2 process separate from the spices so we can maintains the full flavor nutritional and health benefits of the the tea
✔️ Decaf chai is a top alternative for those working to break free from coffee or other high-caffeine drinks
✔️ Decaf chai is great for those who are sensitive to caffeine


Decaf tea is not without its drawbacks. Most of them are harmless, but undesirable.

❌ Decaf chai does not have the "energy boost" found in standard Chai
❌ Decaf chai can be "decaffeinated" in highly-processed ways - including the use of hazardous chemicals. Of course, that is NOT the case for Chai for - we use an all-natural CO2 process to use water to steam out the caffeine molecules.
❌ Often, decaf chai is more expensive - this is typically due to standard supply and demand but it CAN also be because of expensive chemical treatments to decaffeinated the tea blend (again, not at Chai For, though).


Our journey began with the introduction of traditional chai, a beverage exclusive to farmers markets. The allure of our chai prompted inquiries from enthusiasts eager to recreate the experience at home.

However, providing a scalable solution proved challenging, leading us to introduce half-gallon jugs. While well-received, the limitations of these jugs, notably the week-long shelf life, prompted a reevaluation of our approach. Enter the traditional chai kits – a shelf-stable solution empowering chai aficionados to craft their chai without concerns of spoilage, effectively bringing the farmers market magic into their homes.

Within the first hour of launching our traditional chai kits, a question resonated through the air like the rich aroma of brewing spices – "Can you do this in decaf, too?" This inquiry marked the genesis of our decaf chai kit, a testament to the dynamic relationship between our brand and the evolving desires of our community of chai lovers. The inception of the decaf variant wasn't just a response to a demand for variety; it was a reflection of how our products continually inspire and build upon each other.

To bring the decaf chai kit to life, we collaborated with fine tea source implementing an all-natural CO2 process. This method delicately and harmlessly extracts caffeine from the tea leaves, ensuring a product that mirrors the bold flavor of our traditional chai.


Short answer: Yes, decaf chai tastes GREAT. Long answer: the flavor profile of our decaf chai remains as bold and invigorating as its caffeinated counterpart.

Thousands of individuals have embraced our decaf chai, not just for its caffeine-free allure but also for its unwavering commitment to quality and excellence. Our decaf chai has become a choice for those seeking a less caffeinated yet flavor-packed experience, as well as for individuals who specifically require a decaffeinated option due to dietary concerns or other restrictions. 

In building our chai-loving community, we've been privileged to welcome a diverse group of individuals, each finding something unique in our chai that resonates with their preferences and needs.


As we reflect on the feedback from our customers, we are humbled by their loyalty and appreciation of our decaf chai. It's not just about offering a product; it's about creating an experience that resonates with the expectations of those who entrust us with their chai moments.

One customer captured the essence of our decaf chai, stating, "You can actually see and taste the difference – no questionable additives or fillers here. It's reassuring to know that you're consuming something that's not only delicious but also wholesome."


The Chai Anytime Bundle - our most popular bundle featured one traditional chai pack plus one decaf chai pack. With this combo, you'll be able to enjoy decaf chai anytime. Plus, you can get it as a subscription - delivered to your door anytime on your schedule.

The statements in this post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These claims are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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